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If knowing all the little ins and outs of the horse industry is very challenging! You are not alone! If you have never owned a horse or just want one, a professional that just needs a little tweaking, to anyone in between. There are many rewards in building a relationship with your horse. I will guide you in determining your needs and offer preliminary suggestions on how to achieve your goal.


Do you have a specific goal in mind?

What are your next steps?

Are you looking to Buy a horse?

Do you want to Sell a horse?

Horse now working?

Feeding program?

Showing program?

Training program to reach your goals?

Riding program?

Dental program?

Maintenance Program – Sore Horse

Video Analogy

Private lessons

Finding the right professional in your area

Helping you and your horse overcome specific behavior issues

What can I help you with?



I have been involved with hundreds of horse deals, and I have the experience and the knowledge to help you make the best decision possible.


Which horse is right for me?

What do I look for when buying?

How much training should my new horse have to be safe for me?

How much do I need to spend?

Is the horse sound?

What are your goals you are wanting to reach?

What do you want to do?



Horse Preparations



What is your horse worth?

The best ways to market your horse

How to find the right buyer for you and your horse

Selling contracts



When you are ready to build your dream facility or just want to improve the one you have. I will help you design the perfect setup from backyard to Commercial operation. I will help you with everything from property selection, barn layout, arena, fencing, and efficient flow for your property to be Amazing. Water sources? Pasture planning. Where should you store your feed. How many horses can you and your place support? These are just a few questions that people have when planning to keep horse on their farm or ranch. Do you ever feel like you need professional help making a decision concerning your horse? I can help you!



Finding a trainer best suited for your experience level

Finding a trainer you can trust

Finding a trainer that is best for you and your horse

What should you expect from your trainer?

What should your horse trainer expect from you



Safety for you and your horse are the up most important. Safety in the barn, property and on horseback usually can be maximized with an assessment of existing structures, equipment and tack. Safety with horses can be evaluated of the ground and in the saddle. Is the tack used in good condition, are you using the proper equipment, does it fit properly and placed for the maximum comfort for the horse.


There is so much to consider! I will enjoy examining, comparing and optimizing all there factors with you!


My services make your job easier. I take the Time and Listen and Respond to any issues or questions that you might have. I will discuss with you, either by telephone, email or a personal visit within 2 hours of DFW. Extra expenses for photography, printing, postage, mileage, ect and other appraisers and experts used will be transferred to you without additional charges. Any expenses incurred by me for long distance travel, accommodations, ect will be directly transferred to you or a per diem charge can be agreed upon.


Set up a scoping engagement today to see how I can help you! I will customize a Perfect scoping engagement package for you!

"Kimberly gave me step by step guidance on what to do before and after we bought are horse. She told us thing that we would have never thought of."

                        The Rogers

                     Red Bluff, CA

"The advice that was given in the manner that even the inexperienced could easily understand. She listened to all of are questions and concerns. High-quality service which was extremely friendly this has helped us dramaticlly."

      Allisa & Larry Morris


Discovery Call

What are your goals? What can I help you with? What are your next steps? This scoping engagement gives us 20 minutes to dive in and see how we can work together to get you where you want to go.                                        

Strategy Call

Lets get clear on an area you want to focus on! Time to dig deep! Do you have a few questions that you want to ask someone that has been there and done that and pick there brain. Than this is for you! We will scoping engagement gives us 1 hour to talk about everything that you need to move forward and reach your goal.

Accountability Calls

Four weeks of Accountability calls. Each call is 15 minutes. You are on your way to reach your goal! These calls are for any questions or problems that might occur. I'm here for you to optimize your results in reaching your goal.

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